Saturday, February 20, 2010

Small Animal Saturdays

Hello all Welcome once again to Small Animal Saturday.

A question I often get asked at work is what is the best size cage for my "Hamster.. Guinea Pig... Mouse..ETC." There is only one way to answer this question. The Largest size cage you can get for the size of space you have at the price you can afford!

If you have the space and cash to buy a larger house for your pet then do so. It gives them more room to explore and you more flexibility to create an interesting environment for your new friend. At the same time if you have a limited budget then a smaller home is ok too. Just be more creative about how you entertain your friend. Get a rodent ball to all them to roam the house while keeping him safe or create a table top play ground to explore with toilet paper or paper towel tubes for tunneling and blocks for climbing just remember to place a barrier around the edge to keep him safe and make sure you are supervising him at all times.

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